Headache Clinic Adelaide
Acupuncture as a treatment for headaches and migraines has Level One evidence of efficacy. This is an irrefutable demonstration of consistent, significant positive effect.
Human beings are prone to a wide variety of aches and pains, dysfunctions and diseases. The following are typical of what is treated in Chinese Medicine clinics all over the world on a daily basis. All of these have good or very good scientific evidence of efficacy with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
Acupuncture as a treatment for headaches and migraines has Level One evidence of efficacy. This is an irrefutable demonstration of consistent, significant positive effect.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention and many people have discovered the benefits of acupuncture for this debilitating condition. Acupuncture as a treatment for chronic low back pain has Level One evidence of positive effect.
Studies on the efficacy of both acupuncture and acupressure for the treatment of anxiety and the symptoms of PTSD show promising results.
Anyone subject to asthmatic attacks is well aware of the critical feeling of imminent threat. Chinese Medicine has recognised and tended to the signs of wheezing and breathlessness for many centuries.
Weak, loud, productive, raspy, explosive, painful, hacking, irritating, relentless, aching … coughs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes!
Everybody gets a little tired occasionally, but it definitely shouldn’t be a habit. For some people fatigue can be so intense and relentless that just getting out of bed in the morning can become a serious challenge.
Chinese Medicine (CM) has a long history of dealing with sleep disorders.
Acupuncture’s well-established anti-inflammatory effect has particular relevance for IBS; and Chinese Herbal Medicine has a long history in treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders.
There you are, going about your life with confidence and purpose, when all of a sudden you get another hot flush. Fortunately there are pro-active ways of dealing with these distressing symptoms …
Anyone suffering from migraine on a regular or semi-regular basis knows just how exhausting and disabling this condition can be. Acupuncture as a treatment for headaches and migraines has Level One evidence of efficacy. This is an irrefutable demonstration of consistent, significant positive effect.
Anyone subject to persistent nausea and/or vomiting knows the distress this causes. Fortunately, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is an excellent option for treatment and has Level One evidence of Positive Effect.
Pain is the most common reason for seeking medical attention. The good news is that, although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional! Numerous high-level studies have demonstrated that acupuncture is an effective method for relief of pain.
Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Call Today0421 599 841
Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Call Today0416 598 085
Somatic Psychotherapist & Counsellor
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Call Today0437 376 622