Back Pain Specialist Adelaide

Acupuncture as a treatment for chronic low back pain has Level One Evidence of Positive Effect. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention and many people have discovered the benefits of acupuncture for this debilitating condition. One large German study found acupuncture to be nearly twice as effective as conventional treatment, physiotherapy and pain medications!

When acupuncture needles are carefully inserted into tight, sore muscles, the body responds by relaxing the muscle tissue, enhancing the circulation of blood and reducing inflammation.

Chinese Medicine always takes an individualised approach to treatment. The Shen Adelaide team of Chinese Medicine practitioners will adapt to the specific symptoms and body signs that any one person presents. We use the full range of Chinese Medicine skills including acupuncture, acupressure, cupping and guasha to ensure you walk out of our clinic feeling much better than when you walked in!

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Andronis L, Kinghorn P, Qiao S, Whitehurst DG, Durrell S, McLeod H. Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Invasive and Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Low Back Pain: a Systematic Literature Review. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. 2016 Aug 22. 

 Chou R, Deyo R, Friedly J, Skelly A, Hashimoto R, Weimer M, et al. AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. Non-invasive Treatments for Low Back Pain. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2016. 

 Haeke, M., Muller, H-H., Schade-Brittinger, C., Basler, H.D., Schafer, M., Maier, C. et. al. (2007) German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) for chronic lower back pain: randomised, multi-centre, blinded, parallel-group trial with 3 groups. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167 (17), 1892-1898.  

 Lee JH, Choi TY, Lee MS, Lee H, Shin BC, Lee H. Acupuncture for acute low back pain: a systematic review. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2013 Feb;29(2):172-85. 

Liam M, Galvin R, Curry P. Effectiveness of acupuncture for nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine. 2013 Nov 15;38(24):2124-38. 

 Liu L, Skinner M, McDonough S, Mabire L, Baxter GD. Acupuncture for low back pain: an overview of systematic reviews. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: eCAM. 2015;2015:328196. 

SIGN. Management of Chronic Pain (SIGN publication no. 136). Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN); 2013. 

 Taylor P, Pezzullo L, Grant SJ, Bensoussan A. Cost-effectiveness of Acupuncture for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. Pain Practice: the official journal of World Institute of Pain. 2014 Sep;14(7):599-606. 

 Wellington J. Non-invasive and alternative management of chronic low back pain (efficacy and outcomes). Neuromodulation: Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 2014 Oct;17 Suppl 2:24-30. 

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