
The Shen Adelaide team are professional health care consultants with multiple skills which we blend to tailor unique treatments for every individual.



Acupuncture has been used for more than two thousand years to relieve pain, enhance the circulation of blood, relax tense muscles and stimulate the immune system.


Chinese Medicine Adelaide

A Chinese Medicine doctor draws on a vast pharmacopeia of plant and mineral substances, carefully curated via classical principles.


Psychotherapist Adelaide

All of us have been subject to intense emotional episodes when we have not been treated with love, wisdom and kindness.


Acupressure & Shiatsu Massage

Direct pressure on the points of tension, using fingers and thumbs, palms and elbows …


Pulse Diagnosis

The art of reading the pulses is the central diagnostic technique of Oriental Medicine and in many ways shapes the whole character of its practice.


Cupping Adelaide

The ‘Folk Medicine’ of the Orient, ancient technology that brings dramatic results …

Latest News & Article

Acupuncture and Pain Relief

Pain relief is the most common reason for seeking medical attention. For some people pain may be temporary and easy to tolerate, but for many others it can be severe or unrelenting or both. If you have a body, then you will be familiar with the experience of pain. The good news is that, although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional! …

Boosting Immunity with Chinese Herbal Medicine

The current global COVID-19 pandemic has led to high levels of anxiety in the community; many people are looking to Chinese Herbal Medicine for its potential to boost immunity and manage symptoms, especially for fevers, sore throats and respiratory dysfunction. The question is, can Chinese Herbal Medicine treat the symptoms of COVID-19?

Dry Needling or Acupuncture?

Dry Needling or Acupuncture – What’s the Difference? You’ve all heard the old saying: if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck … it’s a duck! Well I have to tell you that anyone doing dry needling uses acupuncture needles, just like an acupuncturist, and they insert the

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